The Nativity Story

The Nativity Story last Friday to celebrate our 2 month Engagement Anniversary. I was telling everyone I knew how good of a movie it was. I guess I forgot about it until today. I wish it was out on DVD already so I could watch it at home for Christmas. I don't have the money to see it again in theaters. But as soon as it is available to buy to own, I plan on getting my own copy and making it one of those traditional movies you watch every year around Christmas time.
The only preview I saw had to have been about 30 seconds on TV around Thanksgiving. We were watching something on TV at Gregg's mom's house in Texas. I knew instantly that Gregg would want to see it. I don't usually rave about biblical movies because either Hollywood inputs too much non-biblical drama or it's just plain cheesy. The only one I rave about is Esther. I don't know who did it, but it's biblically accurate and appealing enough to like. Well, I was surprised by The Nativity Story. Mary's character was presented as more human than saintly, which I liked because you felt she was a normal girl you could relate to. I really liked how they depicted what was going on historically at that time with the Roman rule imposing unaffordable taxes on the Jewish people. I had a greater understanding of why the Jews hoped Jesus would be their earthly king to deliver them from the oppressive Roman government. I felt the fear of the Jewish children being murdered by soldiers due to King Herod's fear of the prophesy of a coming Messiah through the lineage of David. There was even a bit of humor through the characters of the three wise men. One of the best pictures of the hope the Jews longed for was through a humble old shepherd Mary and Joseph met on the way to Bethlehem to register for the census. Being a Christian may have had an affect on how personally I took this movie. I felt the hope that the birth of Jesus brought to the Jews and all man kind beyond what was shown in the movie. Did that have an impact on anyone else? I don't know. But what I do know is that this movie touched my soul. It seemed to reach through this Western culture I'm immersed in and bring me out for a moment to evaluate what this life is all about. For a moment I considered what I didn't really need, like a car, and how simply I thought I could live. What inspiration I felt to live a life that was noticably led by God's will. And how soon after I was consumed once again just by life, this culture, forgetting what had inspired my heart that night.